Dear Visitors,
We hereby inform you that unauthorized infringement has occurred concerning the InfraTrainer brand and technology. We have taken the necessary legal actions and are actively working to resolve the situation.

It is important to emphasize that all rights related to InfraTrainer Kft. are exclusively owned by Mr. Csaba Deák, who remains the sole proprietor of all intellectual property, trademarks, and business activities associated with the brand and technology.

We kindly request that you rely solely on the official channels of InfraTrainer Kft. for accurate information regarding the brand.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support! InfraTrainer Kft. Official Representative: Csaba Deák


Infratrainer is one of the most modern, efficient health and shaping machines of the 21st century


Infratrainer is one of the most modern, efficient health and shaping machines of the 21st century

Cellular health

The infrared light therapy improves the oxygen supply of cells, boosts metabolism, supports muscle.

Anti Aging

Infrared light emitted by infrared lamps causes the body to expel a large volume of toxins, rejuvenating the body both inside and outside.


Swating is a safe way of detoxification, and the most natural one. Training using the Infratrainer causes the most intense sweating possible, while keeping muscle workout at low intensity.

Collagen production

Collagen plays an important role in filling the space between cells and ensuring the flexibility of bones and is a crucial structural component of cartilage. The Infratrainer stimulates the production of collagen, which shapes the body, smooth wrinkles and regenerates the skin


IR1 Technology

The essence of IR1 Technology is that it can serve the  guests of the Infratrainer salons without employees, ensuring maximum information, continuous supervision and non-stop opening hours.


Pulse Control

The self-developed system of Infratrainer Kft., Which enables absolutely personalized training, taking into account the current physical condition of the guest and the desired goal.

© 2018 All rights Reserved. Design by Elementor

Tájékoztatás jogi lépésekről és a szerzői jogok védelméről

Tisztelt Látogatók!

Ezúton tájékoztatjuk Önöket, hogy az InfraTrainer márkanév és technológia kapcsán jogtalan bitorlás történt. Az ügyben megtettük a szükséges jogi lépéseket, és a helyzet rendezésén dolgozunk. Fontos kiemelnünk, hogy az InfraTrainer Kft. minden jogának kizárólagos tulajdonosa Deák Csaba, aki továbbra is jogosult a márkával és a technológiával kapcsolatos összes szellemi tulajdon, védjegy és üzleti tevékenység irányítására. Arra kérjük Önöket, hogy minden esetben az InfraTrainer Kft. hivatalos csatornáin keresztül tájékozódjanak a márkát érintő információkról. Köszönjük megértésüket és támogatásukat!

InfraTrainer Kft. Hivatalos képviselő: Deák Csaba

Notice on Legal Actions and Intellectual Property Protection

Dear Visitors,

We hereby inform you that unauthorized infringement has occurred concerning the InfraTrainer brand and technology. We have taken the necessary legal actions and are actively working to resolve the situation. It is important to emphasize that all rights related to InfraTrainer Kft. are exclusively owned by Mr. Csaba Deák, who remains the sole proprietor of all intellectual property, trademarks, and business activities associated with the brand and technology. We kindly request that you rely solely on the official channels of InfraTrainer Kft. for accurate information regarding the brand. Thank you for your understanding and continued support!

InfraTrainer Kft. Official Representative: Csaba Deák